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Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven
Brand activation
Teamed up
Studio YK
Niels Groenendijk
Eindhoven has a rich history and culture. Yet many cultural makers and institutions could use an impuls to create more impact. That's why in 2017, Cultuur Eindhoven kicked off the Eindhoven Cultural Awards. Winning an award goes beyond just receiving a cash prize; it's about gaining recognition by the city of Eindhoven and its inhabitants. We were asked to create an annual campaign and website that embodies the philosophy of the awards.
We created a city-wide campaign that revolves around the people behind the cultural events. Giving previous award-winning cultural makers a voice to share what winning the award meant for them. This resulted in engaging narratives infused with recognition and appreciation. The dynamic typographic identity engages the inhabitants to take action and nominate their favorite culture maker.
The campaign engages the public in a mission for cultural recognition.
The campaign aims to create public awareness for the creators of cultural Eindhoven. It celebrates the faces behind the events, projects, and other initiatives that turn the city into a place with a festive cultural atmosphere.
The city-wide campaign encourages inhabitants to nominate their favorite culture makers.
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Let's turn heads with a strategic campaign.
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